Ntombi Nto Girl Child Network
Ntombi Nto, meaning ‘a wholesome, complete and confident young woman’, was set up by Mrs Joy Khumalo and formally registered by her as a trust in Zimbabwe in Jan. 2018. The team is led by Joy, assisted by Mrs Loca Muleya and Mr Kudzai Janga, and is supported by a number of young volunteers.
Ntombi Nto offer to schoolgirls a choice of appropriate sanitary protection, set up sewing rooms and run regular workshops on sexual and reproductive health. They also offer advice and psychological support to the girls, with access to Childline and local Child Protection committees.
The Beatrice Project works in close collaboration with Ntombi Nto and receives their fully costed proposals.
The Beatrice Project is proud to be partners with Ntombi Nto and is grateful for the support of Etch (UK) Limited who have provided this website.